
solutions solutions solutions

Stay a step ahead of the competition

Hyvä has become a revolutionary solution for Magento and Adobe Commerce in all its B2C, B2B, and D2C versions, achieving lightning-fast loading speeds on both desktop and mobile devices. It also stands out for its adaptability and easy implementation without the need for complex developments.

High performance and speed
100% compatible with OPTIMO
Fast and simple implementation
Improves user experience and SEO
Mobile-First Design
100% flexible and extendable to any new functionality
  • High performance and speed
  • 100% compatible with OPTIMO
  • Fast and simple implementation
  • Improves user experience and SEO
  • Mobile-First Design
  • 100% flexible and extendable to any new functionality

Capabilities of Hyvä

Speed and performance

Hyvä is designed to fly, providing extraordinarily fast loading times and offering agile, uninterrupted user experiences that reduce the conversion rate.


The speed of loading and the code structure are key factors in improving positioning in search results.

Mobile-First Design

Focusing on compatibility with mobile devices, Hyvä ensures that your store looks and functions well on all devices, improving the shopping experience for your customers.

Why Choose Interactiv4 to Develop Your Store in Hyvä:

  • We are
    a Hyvä Partner
    excellence as a standard
    of experience in Magento and Adobe Commerce
    with leading brands and market-leading partners

Brands we work with

B2C Hyvä

Atida Mi Farma

Atida arrived with a very simple request: migrate Atida Spain and Portugal to Magento 2 Hyvä in three months, integration of two shops on Spryker with expiry dates with Algolia, Tryton, Clerk.io, Connectif, Minderest, Akeneo and Yotpo, and a loyalty program for the use of virtual money (Atida Cash) in the form of points on the platform. Plus, two important factors: the design, already defined, cannot significantly change from the current one, and the shop must have an optimal level of performance given the high concurrency and conversion.

Multiple Rollouts
Magento 2 + Hyvä
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B2C Hyvä


Amorana, part of LoveHoney group, needed to optimze its eCommerce and adjust to the same online store management model as the rest of the group’s companies. Speed, scalability and costs management were the objectives to be achieved. Migration to Magneto 2 and implementation of Hyvä frontend were the main adopted solutions to achieve the objectives.

Time to market: Two and a half months
Improved results on Black Friday
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B2C Hyvä


One of the leading national eCommerce in the online health care and wellness sector, required a replatforming from Prestashop to Magento 2, a UI upgrade of their eCommerce with Hyvä Frontend and a systems integration, all before Black Friday.

Improvement ofthe UI with Hyvä Frontend
Migration from Prestashop to Magento 2
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